Episode One :of a  crazy homeless guy who has no idea how to get back to his girlfriend:

---Episode One: Lost and Confused

His name was Cliff, but most people just called him "Hey you!" or ignored him completely. He didn’t remember how long he’d been on the streets — months? years? time felt like soup to him now. All he knew was that he had a girlfriend once, a beautiful woman named Riley, with a laugh like breaking glass and a smile that made him forget his own name.

The problem was... he had no idea where she was. Or where he was, for that matter.

Cliff’s brain was like an old radio that only picked up static and weird conspiracy theories. One minute, he was sure Riley lived three blocks away in a blue house with a garden full of plastic flamingos. The next minute, he was convinced she was kidnapped by a cult of sewer-dwelling raccoons.

"Riley! Riley, baby, I’m comin’ for you!" he shouted at a mailbox, fully convinced it was a secret portal to her apartment. A man walking his dog crossed the street to avoid him. The mailbox just sat there, stubbornly refusing to teleport him.

Cliff's only clue was a crumpled, water-damaged love letter he found in his pocket — written by Riley herself. Most of the ink was smeared, but one line was still readable:

"Meet me where we first kissed."

The problem? Cliff’s memory had more holes than a busted screen door. First kiss? Was it at a pizza place? A bus stop? An abandoned carnival? He had no clue. All he knew was that if he could just find that place, he’d find Riley — and maybe, just maybe, his mind would snap back into place.

But first, he needed supplies:

A shopping cart to carry his "important stuff" (which included a broken toaster and a rubber chicken)

A map of the city, preferably one that didn't have bite marks

And some kind of plan.

Unfortunately, Cliff was better at talking to pigeons than making plans.

With his shopping cart squeaking like a dying violin, he set off on his quest — to retrace the chaotic mess that was his life and somehow find the woman who once made him believe in happy endings.

Somewhere out there, Riley was waiting. Or... maybe she had moved to Canada. Or joined the raccoon cult. Who knew?

But crazy or not, homeless or not, Cliff wasn’t giving up.

To be continued…


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